Thursday, April 2, 2009

Kasim Store

Kasim Store is a great place to buy all things Kasim! :)

Go to to get Kasim's DVD "An Evening With Kasim Sulton", t-shirts, and CD's.

While you're there, you can go to the "Ask Kas" page. Here you can ask Kasim that burning question you forgot to ask him when you talked to him. I have a few questions I can think of I can ask him! :)

My new KSulton bass!

Here are some pics of my new KSulton bass! I love it!! :) Now I need to learn how to play it! I wonder if a certain "fancy bass player" could give me some lessons? :)

Summer's Gone

Kasim added a new song to his MySpace a couple of months ago called "Summer's Gone". It's a beautiful song. In the song, he uses a line from Todd's song "Cliche"-"time to make the knot unwind". I really liked that! :) I also noticed that he used a variation of the word "waste"again!-"wasting"

G0 to Kasim's MySpace to hear it!