Saturday, December 8, 2007
Happy Birthday Kasim!
I made a little tribute video for him. I sent it to him last night. I hope he's had a chance to see it by now.
Here it is.
Enjoy! :)
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Kasim with Hall and Oates
Monday, November 12, 2007
Kasim's coming to Alexandria.......
He's going to be at The Birchmere with Todd. I was looking at the site a couple of weeks ago and it looks like a really nice place to play. They have very strict rules there: no audio, no video, and no cameras. I don't like that rule.
I'm looking forward to all of the reviews from that show and all of Todd's shows in December.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Kasim with Richie Sambora
you can hear two Richie Sambora songs that Kasim is playing on. Ron Wikso was a member of Richie's band.
If you want to find out more info from when Kasim was playing with Richie, go to or
Kasim photoshop picture
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
More On This Day In Kasim History
My big day arrived! I was going to see Meat Loaf!!
I've never been to Wolf Trap before. I had heard that it is a beautiful place to have a concert. It was beautiful. It was in a park setting and there were a lot of trees and grassy areas.
The gates opened at 6:30 PM and the seated part didn't open until 7:30 PM. I found my seat and it was great! I was in Row B Seat 35. I figured that I would be in between Meat and Paul and I was right.
The show started at 8PM. Johnny Lives opened the show. They were ok but I wish Kasim could have opened the show. Before the show, I saw Kasim behind the stage talking to his guitar tech Charlie. I knew it was him by the back of his head. I saw him putting on his bass before the show.
Meat came on @8:30PM. The show was wonderful! Meat was in top form. He and the band were excellent. I tried to get Kasim's attention at the start of the show but he didn't see me. He was wearing a white shirt with black stripes and black trousers.
During You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth, everyone in the audience stands up and sings in the middle of the song. Four people behind me were sitting down and not singing. Meat saw them and he told them to stand up and they didn't. You won't believe what happened next. Meat said, "I'm coming down there". He jumped off the stage, made his way through the pit and the first two rows like a bull in a china shop and was coming for the people behind me! A couple was sitting beside me and they didn't know what to think. I didn't have anyone sitting beside me on my left side. Meat Loaf is giving this guy his wrath and he is doing it a few inches away from me! The guy refused to sing! Meat was cussing him out big time. The band had stopped playing and the lights on the stage were down. I looked over on the stage and I saw Kasim standing beside Mark in the dark and you could see the biggest smile on Kasim's face! Meat asked the guy what he does for a living and he told Meat "I don't have to tell you what I do." Then Meat said, "So you're a lawyer then. Or some CIA guy from DC?" The guy never told him where he worked. So then Meat told Kasim to restart the song. I touched Meat Loaf's shirt! A couple of people and myself helped Meat so as he wouldn't fall over the chairs trying to get back on stage! The couple beside me left after that and didn't come back!
Meat introduced the band and when he was introducing Kasim, he kissed Meat on the cheek! It was cute.
I loved the new way they're doing Anything For Love. After Patti sings the "sooner or later you'll be screwing around part", Meat came over to Patti and gave her the biggest kiss on the lips. I don't think she was expecting that!
Kasim came on my side somewhat but not much. During Bat Out Of Hell, he came over to my side and was playing bass with Paul. I waved at Kasim. He saw me and waved back!! :)
During Mercury Blues, Kasim's shirt was unbuttoned and I was a happy girl! :)
The show was over with @10:45PM or so.
Life Is A Lemon
Black Betty
Dead Ringer For Love
Out Of The Frying Pan (And Into The Fire)
You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth
Only When I Feel
All Revved Up
Paradise By The Dashboard Light
Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad
Anything For Love
Bat Out Of Hell
Mercury Blues
After the show, my Uncle Charles and I got to go backstage to see Kasim. My Uncle didn't know much about Kasim or Meat Loaf. The next day, he became a Meat Loaf fan and a Kasim fan! :) My avatar picture was taken backstage that night. Here is another picture from the night:
When my Uncle saw this picture, he said,"Should I have put my arm around Kasim like that?" "Does that look funny?" I told him, "No, it doesn't look funny." I printed out this picture for him and he had it in his dining room. He looked at it every day. He told me he took a picture with a rock star! :)
My Uncle passed away in November 2005. He was a great person and loved people. I still think about that night and I can't believe it happened! If Meat Loaf comes to VA or DC again, I'll probably go to the show but no show can top Meat Loaf's Wolf Trap show!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Kasim's bio from Joan Jett Bad Reputation fan site
Name: Kasim Sulton
Instrument: Bass guitar
Nick name: Kas
Birthdate: December 8, 1957
Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY
Height: 5'10"
Color of eyes: Brown
Color of hair: Brown
Favorite color: Red
Favorite movies: Fahrenheit 451 and THX 1138
Favorite TV show: "L.A. Law" and "Married with Children"
Favorite actors: Robert DiNero and James Stewart
Favorite actress: Marlene Deitrich and Debra Winger
Hobbies: Cooking and writing
Favorite bands: The The, Queen, Squeeze and Nik Kershaw
Favorite album:The Beatles White Album
Favorite Joan Jett & The Blackhearts song: "I Wanna Be Your Dog"
Favorite Joan Jett & The Blackhearts video: "Dirty Deeds"
What are your future ambitions: Writing and producing for myself and various other artists.
Message to the fans: Thanks for all your support and keep rockin'!!!!!
Kasim's Kweevak Interview from 2004
Click on Kasim's Kweevak Interview to listen!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
On This Day In Kasim History........
Here's my story about how I first saw Kasim:
I first saw Kasim at Meat Loaf's concert on July 24,1996 at the
Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, Maryland. It was the first
time that I ever saw Kasim and it was the first time I ever saw Meat
Loaf. It was a really great show!! I remember in the first part of
the show during a song (I forget which one), Kasim went over to Pat
and Kasim stuck his tongue out at him and then he smiled at him.
During the middle part of the show, Kasim was playing guitar behind
the keyboards and one of the strings broke. He had to get the guitar
tech to come out and get the guitar so he could fix it. At the end of
the show, Kasim saw a young boy in the audience and he gave him his
guitar pick and then Kasim smiled at him. I didn't have a very
seat. I sat in the loge section. I was on Patti and Pat's side
the stage. I had to use a pair of binoculars to see the show!!
I had a great time at the show. It was the second best Meat Loaf show I've ever seen. The first and best Meat Loaf show was August 22, 2005 at Wolf Trap!! :)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Japanese Kasim fan site
Sue W's.-
John Miceli's-
(He has some pictures of Kasim at his site
Dave Luther's-
Pudding (Meat Loaf fan)-
Lost In The 80's-
Lost songs from the 1980's.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Happy Birthday Todd!
Kasim bootlegs
6/82-Kasim at My Father's Place, NY
1/87-Price/Sulton radio show, NYC
8/12/01-Madison, Wisconsin
7/4/05-show from England
8/19/06-New Haven, CT
I'm looking for Kasim's shows from 1980 and radio shows and interviews he's done by himself and with Utopia.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Kasim's chats
We'd chat about stuff like Meat Loaf, Todd, Utopia, Joan Jett, music he likes to listen to, etc.
We'd also kid him about Doug Kennedy. Every time he wasn't at the chats, we would kid that Doug is in jail and Kasim would have to bail him out! I miss those chats and I wish he would have one again. Some of the chats are archived at
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Why Is Quid Pro Quo not played on the radio?
Notice the different Quid Pro Quo cover!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Kasim at The Abbey Pub pics
I can't get the link to work.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Mystery picture
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 and
Sue does an excellent job with the website. She is always keeping us updated as to what Kasim is doing.
Kasim's own official site is
Kasim and "wasting time".
1. "In The Name Of Love"- grab a hold of someone else and don't waste your time
2. "My Year"- I can't believe I wasted all that time
3. "This Must Be Love"-I guess I wasted my time
4. "Set Me Free"-feels like the time we spent was gone to waste
5. "Sacrifice"-waste one minute wondering might have been...
6. "Minutes Slipping Past"-so I wonder what I did with all my time, how much was wasted...
7. "Heaven's Girl"-It's just a waste of time to try and find her in this world.
8. "Give Him Up"-Shouldn't waste another night.
Two Utopia songs that have waste in them:
1. "Welcome To My Revolution"-don't wanna feel like I've wasted my time
2. "Bad Little Actress"-she's wasting our time
I've always wondered why Kasim uses this word in his songs. I asked him this question once in an email but he didn't email me back.
In Minutes Slipping Past from his new CD All Sides, he writes about the end of life. Could it be about his life or someone elses? He says he wrote the song but he didn't know why. Then, one of his best friends passed away this summer. He now knows why he wrote the song. The line where he sings about "everything I desired if I wanted to" I think means things Kasim would have liked to do but can't do or couldn't do for some reason. Maybe about things having to do with his family.
I think my next word search in Kasim's songs will be the word "love". I can think of a few song titles with that word in it already!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
All Sides

Interesting stuff I noticed about the CD:
1. It's not on any record label.
2. In the thank you notes, he didn't thank Meat Loaf.
3. He thanked the movie star Julianne Moore.
4. Before In The Name Of Love, someone says "6".
If you don't have this CD, buy it now!
The New Cars review from Wolf Trap June 6, 2006

I went to the show with a couple of huge Todd fans from Charlottesville, VA. They were Bill Bricker, Stephen Pollack and his son Nick, and Eric Lund. Stephen used to be Bebe Buell’s guitar player in her band The Gargoyles.
We got to the show @7:00PM. I bought a copy of The New Cars CD at the souvenir booth. The release day was on June 6! I was listening to it coming up Route 29. Bill was playing it for all of us to hear in his Caravan.
Before the show, I talked to a guy who has a guitar just like Todd’s new red and white one he uses on stage at The New Cars shows. He wanted to get the guitar signed by Todd. He talked to a girl from The New Cars meet and greet and she got the guitar signed by all of the band! He took me around to the backstage area before the show and pointed out where Kasim was smoking a cigarette near the backstage door. I didn’t bother him before the show. It looked like he was wearing a New Cars t-shirt (the one with the TNC logo).
Blondie came on at 8PM and played for about an hour and ten minutes. They were good. I knew a lot of their songs. I was sitting between two blonde girls who were Blondie fans. They were really into it! I thought I saw Kasim watching the first part of their show. Debbie Harry was waving to the crowd and was happy. Blondie had a good turnout. She gave her high heels away to fans in the pit. After Blondie’s set, a lot of people were leaving.
I saw Kasim’s guitar tech Charlie from the Meat Loaf shows getting Kasim’s bass ready before The New Cars came on. Kasim can’t go anywhere without his Charlie! :)
I spoke to a guy behind me who is a big fan of Prairie’s before The New Cars came on. I thought I heard at first that he knew him so I asked him do you know him and he said no “only in my dreams!” I thought that was cute.
I saw a lot of Blondie shirts, one Cars shirt, New Cars shirts, a few Todd shirts, and one Van Halen shirt!
The New Cars came on at 9:30PM. The set was really cool! At the beginning of the show, they had pictures on all of the screens of them in various funny faces! It reminded me of the pictures from The Beatles A Hard Day’s Night movie. The show was excellent! I was singing along to all of the songs. I LOVED hearing Kasim sing “Drive”. I stood up after the song and clapped and clapped and clapped. The only songs they cut out due to time restraints were All Mixed Up (one of the Cars songs that Kasim’s sings which I would have loved to have heard) and Open My Eyes. I wish TR would have had time to do that song! The songs I really enjoyed hearing live were: “Let’s Go”,”Candy-O”, “I Saw The Light”, “Black Maria” “Drive”, and “Dangerous Type”. When Elliot was singing “Dangerous Type”, he pointed in my direction.
Near the beginning of the show, Kasim was having trouble with his bass speakers so in between songs, he kept going over to the speakers to tweak stuff on them. You know him, always the perfectionist! :) At another point in the show, Kasim slid over to Elliot’s side of the stage and sang with him. He did that twice. Near the end of the show, Kasim was singing on his side of the stage and all of a sudden, Elliot comes over to him and scares him! Kasim looked at Elliot and made a surprised face!.
After “You Might Think”, Todd was talking and I noticed Kasim had left the stage. I think that’s his smoke break time.
I don’t think Todd mentioned the CD release date was on June 6! He did mention about the bus accident Monday. Elliot broke his left collarbone. He seemed to be doing ok. He was waving and smiling to everyone.
There was a tie for the best dressed of the evening. I loved Todd’s burgundy jacket and Kasim’s black jacket with some sort of design on it. They should be in GQ magazine!
I loved seeing Todd’s new red and white guitar. I wanted to see Todd’s new guitar with the Utopia eye design on it. He did play it, but I wasn’t paying attention to Todd then. ;)
Near the end of the show, I noticed Kasim was giving away guitar picks to some lucky fans in the pit.
After the encore, Kasim was waving to people in the audience. He waved over in my direction before he left the stage. Todd didn’t really wave that much. Elliot was waving and was very happy. Greg and Prairie were waving too.
The show ended at 11:00PM. I spoke to Prairie’s cousin after the show by accident. I saw two women who had backstage passes on and I asked them if they went to the meet and greet and they said no. One of the women said “I’m Prairie’s cousin.” I told her I was sorry to hear about Vince and she said thank you.
I saw a lot of people going backstage after the show. I had some small gifts I wanted to give all of the guys but I never had the chance to give them their gifts. I almost got backstage but then a guy from Wolf Trap said everyone had to go. I was really disappointed that I was so close to getting back there yet so far away.
All in all, I had a nice time. I hope the tour will have a second leg so I can see it again.
Welcome to For The Love Of Kasim!
This blog is something I've wanted to do for a long time. I wanted to have a site on the internet dedicated to Kasim Sulton. I've been reading Kasim's blog at and I really enjoy it!
I'll be posting stuff about Kasim from throughout the years and with the different bands he's played with. Pictures, websites, reviews, etc..
Kasim's new CD All Sides is out now! Get your copy at and go to the Everything Kasim store.